Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Sentimental Project

This is something I've wanted to do for sometime. Wasn't easy, but I found great individual pictures of our grandparents (mine and Eric's). I wanted pictures of them in their younger days and was successful except for Mildred, who is my husband's grandmother....could only find one of her older, but it'll do until I find another. If you're like me, you more than likely have pictures all over your house, but mainly of the kids and your parents. I have a couple of our grandparents, but they're in individual frames and set here and there. This project says "Wow" being put together like's a powerful tribute to them I think. Becky Higgins posted one she had done in her home, and I thought what a wonderful presentation, having them all together in one large photo frame! The center was left for a quote that I found and it reads: "The measure of one's character is not what they get from their ancestors, but what they leave their descendants." Looking at it in person is very powerful and sentimental for me. I adored my grandparents, and my grandmother, Jenetta (center on the right) is 95 and still living in Oregon with my Aunt Michelle. Unfortunately, my husband didn't know his grandparents with exception of his mother's mother, Mildred Thompson (center left). This will be a way for him to see and appreciate them on a daily basis like I know he does. From Top Left: My dad's parents Cosie & Alice Vignal, and my mom's dad, Marvin Albee, then center right: is my grandmother Jennetta Albee. Bottom row from right: is Frank Voak, then Ada Voak, my father-in-law's parents, then bottome left: Claude Thompson, and center left: his wife Mildren Thompson, my mother-in-law's parents. Let me know what you think and if you've done something similar. If not, then I hope I've insprired you!

1 comment:

Mrs. K said...

I love the idea of pulling the same generation of both sides together into a family circle. (And aren't Jennetta & Marvin looking dapper!)