Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cropmainia Get-A-Way Layouts

I'm trusting everyones Thanksgiving was wonderful! Mine was...but as always, time off goes by too fast! A few weeks ago, I went to Rocky Gap Lodge and Resort in Cumberland, MD for a scrapbooking getaway with my mother-in-law and my husband's cousin, Connie. The retreat was sponsored by Cropmania and we had a fabulous time! While there, we took some pictures of the resort. Here's the interactive layout I made using a file folder for the title page...flip it up and the rest is inside.

Next is the layout of us goofing around in our room with our wine and such. We have been known to have a good time wherever we go...I'm posting the proof.
Last is the layout of us creating our pages while there. I didn't do as many as I had wanted, but I was happy with they quality of what I made. The talking, looking at everyone else's pages and shopping couldn't have had anything to do with it, could it?

Tomorrow, I'll add some of the layout pages I created while there. Ok, maybe I'll start with just one today. This was the very first one I made. My middle child, Shelby can always be found with her phone in her hand; it's a part of her I believe. When she gets a new text, I can tell by her response if it's from a girl or boy....hence the title I chose, "He texts me, he texts me not." From the "He loves me, he loves me not"...I'm sure you all got it, but I had to explain it to my hubby. lol


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